Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Welcome to Year 2 in Room 15

Hello and welcome to 'Mrs Tindale's Terrific Twos' blog!

2019 in Room 15 has started swimmingly with the students settling into routines, developing new friendships and learning new roles. What a fabulous group of students we have and I am so grateful to able to support them in their learning journey throughout the year.

Our Aussie Day celebration was a success and raised much needed funds for the Queensland flood appeal. Everyone looked amazing and we enjoyed celebrating the wonderful multicultural country we all live in.

Room 15 voted for Jett and Krystal to be their student councillors for Semester One. Well done, Jett and Krystal! It's an honour and a privilege to represent your class and we know you'll both be role models for your peers.

Thank you to all of the parents/guardians who attended the Parent Information Evening. I look forward to supporting you and the students during 2019, to achieve the very best outcomes for all. If you were unable to attend feel free to arrange a time with me and I'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

Congratulations to our first round of merit certificate winners, Sophie, James and Jayden (Sport). These students always have wonderful manners, help their classmates and try their best at every task. What superstars!

Thank you for visiting our blog and please come back often. We'll keep you up to date with what's happening in Room 15 and keep an eye out for students writing entries into the blog too.

All the best,
Mrs T x